Tree size program
Tree size program

tree size program

The trees will be scheduled for planting throughout May, as weather permits. No trees may be ordered for private property. Trees may not be refused, moved, or exchanged for any reason. The Village makes the final determination on planting location. Multiple trees may be ordered, providing there is adequate room within the public parkway area. A property owner’s cost share will be $175 per tree ordered, regardless of variety or size. New trees will be 2-inch diameter or about 8-feet tall. The Parkway Tree Planting Program is an excellent value for Northbrook residents! Program Details The cost share is $175, which is a fraction of the retail price for a full planted landscape tree. The Village will provide and install the tree on your parkway after you discuss what tree you may want with the Village Forester. Increased psychological benefits (trees make us feel better!).Better sound quality around your home because trees buffer noise.

tree size program

  • Improved air quality because trees filter air pollution.
  • Improved energy costs because trees provide shade and cool your home.
  • Some of the benefits that you will receive when planting a tree are: The Village works with the Suburban Tree Consortium to purchase landscape sized trees in various species that will be a great addition to your property. The Village of Northbrook is pleased to offer again to residents an opportunity to participate in planting a tree on the parkway in front of their home.

    Tree size program